Ontario Creates AODA Annual Status Report 2017
In its Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, 2013 to 2017, the OMDC committed to providing annual updates on progress toward plan goals and milestones. The points below summarize key accomplishments in this calendar year.
In 2017, the OMDC:
- Solicited feedback about how we are doing with respect to accessibility of our programs and services as part of OMDC’s 2017 Client Satisfaction Survey;
- Submitted an accessibility compliance report to the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario;
- Reviewed all accessibility policies to ensure all were up to date;
- Prepared a new Multi-Year Accessibility Plan for 2018-2022;
- Continued to hold all corporate events in accessible venues, and include active offers of accommodation in all event invitations;
- Continued to comply with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation;
- Continued to ensure that key documents such as OMDC’s Business Plan, Year in Review and Industry Profiles are posted in a fully accessible format;
- Provided funding support for the development of the following reports and initiatives:
- ACTRA diversity catalogue and ‘go-see’ program which introduced local and international casting directors to Ontario’s diverse on-screen talent pool, including persons with disabilities;
- ACTRA Toronto Diversity Census for Ontario (ACTRA Toronto) (forthcoming);
- A Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit for the Interactive Digital Media Industry (Interactive Ontario)
- Facilitated knowledge-sharing of third party resources through OMDC’s Online Research Library, including: Reel Access: A Guide to Accessible Film Festivals and Screenings (ReelAbilities Film Festival) and Music Managers’ Guide to Mental Health (Music Managers Forum).
- Included a new diversity enhancement component in the OMDC Film Fund designed to encourage and provide support to films that, in their voice, story, language elements or diversity of key creatives, meet the provincial definition of diversity (which includes physical and intellectual ability).