Ontario Creates AODA Annual Status Report 2019
In its Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, 2018 to 2022, Ontario Creates committed to providing annual updates on progress toward plan goals and milestones. The points below summarize key accomplishments in this calendar year.
In 2019, Ontario Creates:
- Held cross-departmental accessibility team meetings quarterly, with regular reports to the Senior Management Team;
- Continued work on various components of an internal resource guide to assist with Program and Service design, and to respond effectively to requests for alternate formats or accommodations;
- Disseminated a list of training courses available to staff and issued a challenge to include in their Performance & Learning Development Plans;
- Continued to follow OPS procedures with regard to hiring, recruitment and performance management;
- Continued to hold all corporate events in accessible venues, and include active offers of accommodation in all event invitations;
- Continued to comply with the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation;
- Continued to ensure that key Ontario Creates reports such as Year in Review, Annual Report, our Business Plan and similar Ontario Creates publications are published in a fully accessible format;
- Ensured that accessibility was taken into account as part of ongoing planning and development of service delivery platforms including the corporate website;
- Continued to follow OPS procedures with regard to procurement; and
- Submitted an AODA compliance report to the Ministry of Seniors and Accessibility.
In addition:
- Ontario Creates continued to offer a diversity enhancement component in the Film Fund and Industry Development Fund designed to encourage and provide support to projects that, in their voice, story, language elements or diversity of key creatives, meet the provincial definition of diversity (which includes physical and intellectual ability). Diversity continued to be an evaluation criterion across all grant programs.
- Through the IDM Fund, Ontario Creates supported production and marketing of The Vale (Falling Squirrel Inc.), an award-winning innovative immersive audio-based and haptic experience designed with visually-impaired gamers in mind and which was developed and tested in partnership with the CNIB.
- Through the Magazine Fund, Ontario Creates supported Abilities Magazine, Canada’s Lifestyle Magazine for people with disabilities, a publication of the Canadian Abilities Foundation.