Ontario Creates AODA Annual Status Report 2021
In its Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, 2018 to 2022, Ontario Creates committed to providing annual updates on progress toward plan goals and milestones. The points below summarize key accomplishments in this calendar year.
- Supported staff attendance of a de-escalation training workshop with the Canadian Association for Mental Health (CAMH).
- Completed transcription of back catalogue of podcasts and posted to website.
- Completed a project to make the front desk reception area more accessible and welcoming to people with disabilities.
- Updated Program Guidelines to include specific language welcoming applications from people with disabilities, people who are deaf, and people who have barriers to accessing technology. Alternative application processes and formats are available to provide accommodations as needed.
- Applied principles of accessibility to virtual events. Positive feedback was received from government partners, clients, and the public on accessibility mechanisms present in the Trillium Book Award 2021, including AODA digital materials, captioning in multiple languages on video content, and ASL and LSQ interpretation on livestream events. In addition, the increased level of engagement on digital platforms such as Zoom for conferences, panels, and presence at trade markets makes these activities more accessible for multiple audiences.
- Ensured that employees with disabilities continued to have a workplace emergency response plan in place (although employees were working remotely for most of 2021).
- Actively promoted our employment opportunities to diverse communities and people with disabilities where external hiring was permitted.
- Submitted a compliance report to the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility.
In addition:
- Ontario Creates continued to offer a diversity enhancement component in the Film Fund and Industry Development Fund designed to encourage and provide support to projects that, in their voice, story, language elements or diversity of key creatives, meet the provincial definition of diversity (which includes physical and intellectual ability). Diversity continued to be an evaluation criterion across all grant programs.
- Through the Industry Development Program, Ontario Creates supported the FOLD Kids Festival November 4 – 7, which includes several sessions addressing accessibility issues: We Move Together; ASL Storytime with Gaitrie Persaud; and, Teaching Disability Justice.
- Through the Magazine Fund, Ontario Creates supported Abilities Magazine, Canada’s Lifestyle Magazine for people with disabilities, a publication of the Canadian Abilities Foundation.