Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses
Travel, meal and hospitality expenses
Ontario Creates is a Crown Agency of the Province of Ontario, established under the Development Corporations Act. As a classified agency, and as part of Ontario’s Open Government initiative, Ontario Creates posts the travel, meal and hospitality expenses of its Board of Directors (appointees) and President and CEO (staff at the Senior Management Group level 3 and above).Expenses are posted on a quarterly basis following appropriate approvals and reimbursement. To search for expense claims, begin by selecting the fiscal year below:
Expense Reporting
UniqueRowID | UniqueQuarterID | FullName | Position | Purpose | Objectif | Start Date | End Date | Quarter | Year | Destination | Attendees | Other Attendees | Air Fare | Other Transportation | Accommodation | Meals | Incidentals | SUBTOTAL | Hospitality | OtherExpenses | TOTAL | Category |