When completing the Expected Results section of the application form do I provide cumulative totals, e.g., do I add together the revenue for the funding period and the 12 months following the funding period?
Magazine Fund Project Eligibility
No - we require you to project revenue at three distinct points in the project’s lifetime:
Phase #1: the end of the funding period; Phase #2 for the first year post-funding; Phase #3 for the second year post-funding.When the totals of these three phases are combined, the result is the overall expected revenue for the project. This result can only be accurate if you treat the three phases as individual time frames. Results are independent of one another rather than cumulative. For example: $20,000 in revenue at the end of Phase #1, $30,000 at the end of Phase #2, $45,000 at the end of Phase #3; NOT $20,000 at end of Phase #1, $50,000 at the end of Phase #2, $95,000 at the end of Phase #3).