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1080 pages found
- Are productions that are only exhibited on online platforms eligible for the OPSTC?
- What types of online platforms are acceptable for productions made available online or productions made available by alternative means?
- Under the OFTTC there are additional eligibility requirements to be met for productions made available by alternative means. Are there additional eligibility requirements to be met for the OPSTC?
- Productions must be made for commercial exploitation by either theatrical distribution, television broadcast, or alternative means. Does this mean that productions must be completed and released to be eligible for the OPSTC? What about pilot episodes o
- The regulation says that eligible productions must consist solely of non-interactive content. How is interactive defined?
- When does the screen credit requirement come into effect?
- Are all three elements required (i.e., the Province of Ontario logo, the Ontario Creates logo, and the acknowledgement text), or do I choose one?
- Will the screen credit requirement impact tax credit processing? Will I have to provide the finished version of the production to Ontario Creates for verification of the screen credit before my application can be certified?
- Does the screen credit requirement mean that all OPSTC productions must be completed and released to be eligible? What about pilot episodes or other productions that are not released to the public?
- Does the screen credit have to appear in the end credits of all episodes of a series, even if some episodes had no eligible activities take place in Ontario?