IP Market Day
The IP Market Day is a business development and networking event for Ontario's book, magazine, film, TV and interactive digital media industries. This event is geared towards strengthening the business relationships between these sectors, specifically to enable Ontario-based book and magazine publishers and game developers to present their intellectual property (IP) that is available for screen options, through pitch presentations and 1:1 meetings.
Onstage Pitch
Participating content sellers will be able to submit one (1) property for consideration as part of this marquee event. A selection of properties that have the strongest adaptation potential will be presented by Ontario companies to TIFF delegates and selected IP Market Day attendees. This will get the conversation started in advance of the one-on-one meetings!
NOTE: Full eligibility requirements and details can be found in Ontario Creates IP Market Day Guidelines. Please read the guidelines completely before beginning your application. Ontario Creates reserves the right to revise Guidelines and Application Forms.
When completing the application please note that there are 2 separate applications for IP Market Day: one for content sellers and one for content buyers. Be sure to complete the appropriate application.
TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 2024 BY 5:00 P.M
IP Market Day Application for Content Sellers (Book Publishers, Game Developers, Magazine Publishers)
IP Market Day Application for Content Buyers (Screen Producers)
Bianca Spence
Program Consultant, Industry Development
Phone: 416-642-6698
Email: bspence@ontariocreates.ca
Erin Creasey
Director, Industry Development
Phone: 416-642-6650
Email: ecreasey@ontariocreates.ca