2016 Ontario Creates Discussion Series Podcast

The Digital Dialogue Breakfast Series is a forum for ongoing conversation among decision-makers in the cultural media industries.

December 6, 2016
Exploring the Value Chain in Augmented and Virtual Reality Content Creation
The market for augmented and virtual reality is anticipated to grow by 89%, to $16 billion globally in 2020. Content creators from across the sectors will speak about the challenges and successes they've had experimenting with this emerging form of content from financing and concept definition to development and marketing and distribution.
Moderator: Nigel Newton, Consultant for AR Innovation & Strategy
Bernie Roehl, CEO, Virtual Escapes
Damir Slogar, Founder and CEO, Big Blue Bubble
Keith Makse, CEO, Red Meat Games
Dr. Rhonda Bathurst, Executive Director, Museum of Ontario Archaeology

September 28, 2016
How Big is Your Data?
Data is a vital part of understanding consumer patterns.Creative content producers use data and analytics in vastly different ways toguide their product development, distribution, and marketing strategies. Thispanel looks at how three Ontario-based companies are using data and analyticsto inform their product development, guide their marketing strategies, andultimately, to understand their audience.
Erin Creasey, Manager, Industry Initiatives, OMDC
Devi Ekanand, Vice President, Marketing, Promotions and NewMedia, Coalition Music
Ken Hunt, Publisher, Toronto Life
Margaret Bryant, Director of Sales andMarketing, Dundurn Press

June 28, 2016
Augmented & Virtual Reality
Exploring the Value Chain of Augmented and Virtual Reality Content Creation
The market for augmented and virtual reality is anticipated to grow by 89%, to $16 billion globally in 2020. Content creators from across the sectors will speak about the challenges and successes they've had experimenting with this emerging form of content from financing and concept definition to development and marketing and distribution.
Moderator: Nigel Newton, Consultant for AR Innovation & Strategy
Nyla Innuksuk, Owner & Producer, Pinnguaq Productions Inc.
Srinivas Krishna, Founder and CEO, AWE Company Ltd.
Lucie Lalumière, Founder, Lalumiere Media and Executive Producer, 360 Story Lab
J. Lee Williams, President, Occupied VR

April 27, 2016
Alternative Financing
Alternative Financing: Lessons from the Trenches
In a climate where it is becoming increasingly difficult to finance content, creators and producers must explore alternative ways to raise capital. Hear from content creators across the sectors about their successes and challenges engaging with new financing models and learn whether any of these models (which include crowdfunding, venture capital and angel investment) are right for your company.
Moderator: Catherine Tait, President, Duopoly
Alex Jansen, Founder and Producer, Pop Sandbox
John Young, CEO, Boat Rocker Media
Anne Marie Maduri, Venture Capital & Private Equity Consultant, Maduri + Associates Inc.
Daniel Beckerman, Producer, Scythia Films