2017 Ontario Creates Discussion Series Podcast

The Digital Dialogue Breakfast Series is a forum for ongoing conversation among decision-makers in the cultural media industries.

November 22, 2017
Kitchener-Waterloo - Diversifying Audiences and Revenue Streams through Live Events
Adding live experiences to traditionally mediated cultural products can offer new audience development and revenue generation opportunities: think consumer shows, pop-up shops, exclusive screenings, and conventions. The bonus is that the live event can be the springboard for new cultural products with their own potential to be developed. Join us for a discussion with savvy creatives who share tips on how to curate premium experiences to connect with and develop your audiences in novel ways.
David McConnachie, Publisher, Alternatives Journal
Meridith Braun, VP Publishing, Digital Extremes
Pamela Mulloy, Editor, The New Quarterly
Craig Thompson, President and Executive Producer, Ballinran Entertainment

November 8, 2017
Diversifying Audiences and Revenue Streams through Live Events
Adding live experiences to traditionally mediated cultural products can offer new audience development and revenue generation opportunities: think consumer shows, pop-up shops, exclusive screenings, and conventions. The bonus is that the live event can be the springboard for new cultural products with their own potential to be developed. Join us for a discussion with savvy creatives who share tips on how to curate premium experiences to connect with and develop your audiences in novel ways.
Tammy Frick, Executive Director,
Cinéfest Sudbury International Film Festival
Mike Daoust, Founder, Northern Game Design Challenge
Vicki Gilhula, Associate Publisher/Editor, Sudbury Living Magazine Group
Mark Montefiore, Co-President, New Metric Media & Executive Producer, Letterkenny

November 8, 2017
Diversifier les auditoires et les sources de revenu grâce aux événements en direct
Intégrer des expériences vécues aux produits culturels traditionnellement établis peut permettre le développement d’un nouvel auditoire ainsi que l’augmentation de recettes. À titre d’exemples, pensons aux expositions pour le grand public, aux boutiques éphémères, aux projections en exclusivité et aux conventions. En outre, l’expérience vécue peut servir de tremplin à de nouveaux produits culturels avec leur propre potentiel à mettre en valeur. Joignez-vous à nous dans le cadre d’une discussion avec des créateurs avisés qui font part de conseils pour organiser des expériences exceptionnelles dans le but d’établir des liens avec votre auditoire et de l’élargir de façons novatrices.
Présentatrice :
Tammy Frick, directrice générale,
Festival international du film Cinéfest Sudbury
Panélistes :
Mike Daoust, fondateur, Northern Game Design Challenge
Vicki Gilhula, éditrice adjointe et rédactrice en chef, Sudbury Living Magazine Group
Mark Montefiore, coprésident, New Metric Media, et chef de la production, Letterkenny

October 20, 2017
Going Global
Ontario content creators understand that relying on revenue from the Canadian market alone limits growth and opportunities for collaboration. Our moderator and panelists will explore ways to prepare international strategies and speak to such topics as finding collaborators and relationship building through festival, market and conference attendance in Canada and abroad; taking advantage of Government priorities, treaties and missions; and planning for market readiness.
Jeffrey Crossman, Trade Commissioner (Creative Industries)
Global Affairs Canada
Maria Armstrong, CEO, Executive Producer of Big Coat Media
Karen Boersma, Publisher, Owlkids Books
Anne Loi, Executive Vice President, Global Operations, DHX Media

June 29, 2017
Diversifying Audiences and Revenue Streams through Live Events
Adding live experiences to traditionally mediated cultural products can offer new audience development and revenue generation opportunities: think author readings, pop up shops, eSports, and conventions. The bonus is that the live event can be the springboard for new cultural products with their own potential to be developed. Join us for a discussion with savvy creative companies who tell us how they create and curate premium experiences to connect with their audiences in novel ways, and explain how they are diversifying their revenue streams in the process.
Moderator: Heather Kanabe, Festival Director, The Word on the Street Book and Magazine Festival
Meridith Braun, VP Publishing, Digital Extremes
David Leonard, Events Director, The Walrus
Mark Montefiore, Co-President, New Metric Media & Executive Producer, Letterkenny

May 25, 2017
The State of Content Distribution
The changing technological landscape has had an immense influence on the way the creative media industries deliver content to audiences. As content continues to shift from physical to digital formats the same evolution is also happening for sales channels, triggering the rise of new platforms and methods of distribution. What are the challenges in getting a market-ready creative work, regardless of the sector it comes from, through the existing and evolving distribution paths and to the end-user who can be either in Canada or abroad? OMDC commissioned and recently launched a study on this subject. Hear from the study authors how Ontario content owners are creatively navigating the challenges of the shifting distribution landscape to successfully deliver their content to audiences around the world.
Presenter: Kristian Roberts, Partner, Nordicity
Moderator: Negin Zebarjad, Manager, Nordicity
Diane Hall, President, 2 for Life Media Inc.
Tony Walsh, Company Director, Phantom Compass