Pulse on VR
This report, provides a snapshot of the VR market in Canada as of 2016— characteristics of companies active in the VR space, types of content and tools being created, current challenges and opportunities, and prevalent workflows. In addition to the final report, Pulse on VR is being launched as a “living ecosystem” – a website with quarterly updates on the Canadian VR ecosystem. The report represents the first output from this ongoing study.
The new website, pulseonvr.ca, will present quarterly data drawn from a survey of the Canadian VR ecosystem – its workflows, tools, challenges and opportunities. This living study encourages both first-time and repeat participants to share their data so that it may: articulate how VR experiences are being created and distributed; track which technologies are most prevalent among companies; determine VR’s market potential; and grasp a dynamic medium transforming in real time. June 27, 2017.