Issue 16 - JUNE 2024
Our quarterly Business Intelligence Bulletin brings you links to research studies, industry statistics, trends, policy development, and other resources of interest to Ontario’s creative industries.
Program Announcements
The 2024-25 Business Intelligence Program has one final deadline for this year:
August 6, 2024.
The current guidelines can be found on our website reflecting the 2024-25 deadlines. These should be reviewed before completing your application.
Note: Please note that we have added two questions about the use of Artificial Intelligence technology in our applications. This includes disclosing the use of AI to prepare content for the application form and supporting documents, as well as any anticipated AI use during the course of the proposed project.
Enquiries regarding the program should be directed to:
The next deadline will be at 5:00 p.m., ET, on:
Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Recent Reports funded by Ontario Creates

Attracting Film Productions to Small Town Ontario
This report from the South Georgian Bay Media Association explores what steps can be taken to increase film production in Ontario’s small towns. Specifically looking at small towns within a 250 km radius of the Greater Toronto Area, the report examines how rural film production can synergize with the local tourism sector and achieve added economic impacts. The findings include recommendations that contribute to increasing local film productions, filming infrastructure, workforce training and capacity.

Northern Ontario Workforce Assessment and Studio Infrastructure Report
This study takes an in-depth look into the current record high levels of production activity in Northern Ontario, assesses the current state of the region’s production crew workforce, measures labour market gaps in the current workforce and reviews methods to address any of the gaps identified and maps available workforce development programs. Additionally, the study provides detailed analyses of planned production studios in Northern Ontario.

DOC Institute’s Breakthrough 20 Year Research Report
DOC Institute, an initiative of the Ontario chapter of the Documentary Organization of Canada, created the first iteration of its Breakthrough mentorship program in 2005. The program was designed to assist emerging filmmakers forge meaningful connections and skills in the documentary industry. Two decades later, the program has seen over 120 participants. In 2023, the institute performed a comprehensive review of their programming to both quantify the impact the program has had, and also learn tangible lessons which can be applied to other creative sector professional development training programs. Additionally, the data gathered provides a snapshot of those working in the documentary world.
View all reports
In February, Ontario Creates organized a Workforce Symposium bringing key decision-makers and leading experts from across Ontario’s dynamic creative industries to strategize the first steps for multi-phase workforce development strategy, including exploring:
- Critical skills gaps, talent pipelines and training mechanisms;
- Building stronger and more resilient companies;
- The future of work, including labour force intersections with artificial intelligence and climate change;
- Youth perspectives on creative industry careers.
Close to 100 stakeholders attended. The programming included an opening panel with the Indigenous Screen Office discussing on-set training initiatives, facilitated breakout sessions exploring key topics, a Gen Z + Emerging Professionals Panel, and a musical performance by Ontario Creates-supported artist AHI.
Feedback provided by attendees will help to inform the development of Ontario Creates’ own workforce development strategy.

Statistics Canada released the National culture indicators, fourth quarter 2023 (October – December 2023) in April 2024. This quarterly update provides national-level data on culture GDP, output and jobs from a product perspective. Notably, in Q4 2023, nominal culture GDP grew by 0.5%, driven primarily by price increases across the economy. With regard to sector-specific GDP trends, the data indicates that the book publishing industry saw a 2% GDP increase in Q4 2023, the film and video industry experienced a 5% decline (due to strike impacts), and sound recording industry increased by 1%. The GDP of both the periodical and interactive digital media industry remained unchanged for Q4 2023.
Statistics Canada released the Book Publishing Industry, 2022 update in February 2024. The release shows that operating revenue for Canadian book publishers rose 8.3% to $1.6 billion from 2020 to 2022, the largest increase since 2014. In 2022, book sales by Canadian authors rose 10.5% to $707.6 million. Moreover, sales of e-books continued to expand, rising 14.6% to $297.5 million from 2020 to 2022. With the rising costs of producing physical books and the allure of e-books' cheaper price tag for consumers, the industry may rely more on e-book titles going forward.
The Canadian Radio-television and Communications Commission (CRTC) has updated the proposed schedule for its “Regulatory plan to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework” for how the broadcasting system will be modernized following the passage of the Online Streaming Act. The CRTC is currently holding its consultation on the development of an Indigenous broadcasting policy, and will also be undertaking a consultation on described video and audio description in Spring 2024. Over the months to come, the CRTC plans to hold a consultation on closed captioning (Summer 2024), public interest participation (Fall 2024), structural relationships (Winter 2024/25). A series of consultations relating to specific types of content, including audiovisual, audio and news programming, are scheduled for Spring 2025.
On June 4th 2024, the CRTC issued a major decision regarding the level of mandatory contributions that online streaming services need to make to the Canadian broadcasting system as part of the Online Streaming Act implementation process. The decision can be found here. The CRTC’s release states that the anticipated economic benefit of this decision is an estimated $200 million in funding annually.
Effective September 1, 2024, online streaming services that either alone make more than $25 million in Canadian annual contributions revenues or who form part of a broadcasting ownership group that makes more than $25 million in annual contributions revenues will be required to make base contributions of 5% of their annual revenues.
On March 26, 2024, the government of Ontario announced the provincial “Budget 2024: Building a Better Ontario”. The Budget includes two tax credit commitments related to supporting Ontario’s Film and Television industry. It makes changes to the eligibility rules for the Ontario Computer Animation and Special Effects (OCASE) tax credit. Under this change, the OCASE tax credit requires a qualifying corporation to have minimum eligible labour expenditures of $25,000 for each production claimed within a certain time limit. This change passed into law on May 16, 2024, and will apply to projects that commence production on or after March 26, 2024. The Budget also includes a commitment to review the Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit (OFTTC) regional bonus to ensure it effectively supports film and television production across the Province.
On April 16, 2024, the government of Canada tabled the federal budget “Fairness For Every Generation”. The Federal Budget includes several key investments and initiatives to support the creative industries. Some initiatives include enhancing consumer protection in ticket sales and substantial funding allocations to CBC/Radio-Canada, Telefilm, the Indigenous Screen Office, TIFF, as well as the Canada Music Fund and the Canada Book Fund.
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Ontario Creates
175 Bloor Street East, South Tower, Suite 501,
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3R8
Phone: 416.314.6858 Fax: 416.314.6876