Issue 14 - MaRCH 2023
Our quarterly Business Intelligence Bulletin brings you links to research studies, industry statistics, trends, policy development and other resources of interest to Ontario’s creative industries.
Program Announcements
There are two Business Intelligence Program deadlines in 2023/24. The first deadline was on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.
The most current guidelines document is available on our website for your convenience. There have been some changes, so please be sure to review the updated guidelines before completing your application.
Enquiries regarding the program should be directed to:
The next deadline will be at 5:00 p.m., ET, on the following dates:
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
Recent Reports funded by Ontario Creates

Live Music: Public Perceptions – Fall/Winter 2022
This report from the Canadian Live Music Association sets out to examine consumer perceptions around the return of indoor live music experiences, including both virtual and in-person offerings.

Funding Analysis for BIPOC Documentary Content in Canada
This report from the Documentary Organization of Canada’s DOC Institute aims to build a better understanding of how screen-based funding for documentary content is distributed to Black, Indigenous and People of Colour documentary creators in Canada.

The Digital Media Universe: Measuring the Revenues, the Audiences and the Future Prospects
This report, commissioned by the Directors Guild of Canada, was prepared as part of the 2023 edition of the annual Digital Media at the Crossroads (DM@X) conference. It summarizes data on key trends in three creative sectors: film/TV, video games, and music. The report highlights key trends and developments in each subsector, including developments in equity and inclusion, accessibility and environmental sustainability.
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View all Profiles
Podcast episodes from our recent Being Seen: Directives for Authentic and Inclusive Content with the Black Screen Office and Short-Form, Big Impact: Getting a Handle on TikTok Creative Industries in Conversation sessions are now available on our website.
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Ontario Creates has released its 2022 Film and Television Production Statistics. Ontario's Film and Television industry contributed a record-breaking $3.15 billion to Ontario's economy in 2022, creating 45,891 high-value full-time equivalent direct and spin-off jobs for Ontarians.
Statistics Canada has released updated data about the periodical publishing industry. This new data includes information about the industry’s financial health and distribution channels at the national and provincial level.
The Association of Canadian Publishers has released their 2022 Canadian Book Publishing Diversity Baseline Survey, which offers a critical update on demographic data first collected in 2018.
The Canada Media Fund has launched its #CanConDef industry survey to gather the Canadian audiovisual sector’s views on how the current definition of Canadian content should evolve following the passage of Bill C-11, The Online Streaming Act. The survey is open to all individuals who work in (or aspire to work in) Canada’s audiovisual production and broadcasting sector, and closes on March 31, 2023.
Canada’s Minister of Canadian Heritage, Pablo Rodriguez, has responded to a series of proposed Senate amendments to Bill C-11, known as the Online Streaming Act. While the Minister has indicated agreement with several Senate-proposed amendments, several amendments relating to how the CRTC will ultimately deal with social media, the definition of Canadian content and programming genres were rejected.
The 2022 Provincial Budget and 2022 Fall Economic Statement announced the Government’s intentions to propose regulatory amendments for online-only productions. Currently, there is no eligibility under the Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit (OFTTC) for online-only productions, and such productions are only eligible under the Ontario Production Services Tax Credits (OPSTC) if the user pays a license, subscription or fee to access this content. The draft regulations have now been posted on Ontario’s Regulatory Registry for public review and comment until April 11, 2023.
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Ontario Creates
175 Bloor Street East, South Tower, Suite 501,
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3R8
Phone: 416.314.6858 Fax: 416.314.6876