Issue 1 - July 2018
OMDC Business Intelligence Bulletin
Welcome to our first issue! Each quarter we’ll share links to research studies, industry statistics, trends, policy development and resources of interest to Ontario’s creative industries.
Recent Events and Podcasts
Recent OMDC-Funded Reports

Screen Composers Guild of Canada
Gender in the Canadian Screen Composing Industry

Canadian Ebooks in Public Libraries: A Gap Analysis Report on Trends and Issues in Ebook Collection Practices
Recently Updated Industry Profiles
Data Releases
Creative Industries Policy
- Canadian Heritage has launched a new program called Creative Export Canada (CEC). This program will provide $7 million a year to Canadian companies and organizations that are “ready to export and work in a creative industry or in support of one.” To read the full press release, . click here
- On June 5, 2018, the Government of Canada announced a legislative review of the Broadcasting Act and the Telecommunications Act. The review will be led by a , chaired by Janet Yale. For more information about the review, including the terms of reference, panel of experts. click here
- A statutory review of the Copyright Act by the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology is currently in progress. For information on the review, or to submit a brief, . click here