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Industry Profiles

Ontario Creates compiles industry profiles to provide information on the size and economic impact of each of the cultural media industries. The profiles also provide information on trends and issues facing the sectors. Ontario Creates uses publicly available research and statistical reports to compile the profiles, which are fully updated once per year and receive an interim update approximately six months later.

Industry Profile - Book Publishing
Ontario has the largest book publishing sector in Canada. The Canadian-owned book publishing industry in Ontario is comprised mainly of small to medium-sized firms.

Industry Profile - Film & TV
Ontario is home to a vibrant and diverse film and television sector, Canada’s largest, and comprises players in all parts of the audiovisual content production and delivery value chain. The film and TV production sector in Ontario is mainly made up of small- to medium-sized companies.

Industry Profile - Interactive Digital Media
Interactive digital media includes content such as video and mobile games, cross-platform entertainment, web series, e-learning and training products. Ontario is home to a vibrant interactive digital media sector, which includes many Canadian industry leaders.

Industry Profile - Magazine
Canada’s magazine sector includes consumer and business-to-business (B2B) publications, with content distributed both in print and digitally, via a variety of web and mobile channels.

Industry Profile - Music
The Canadian sound recording industry includes a wide range of artists and entrepreneurs who create, produce and market original Canadian music. Ontario’s sound recording and music publishing industry is the largest in Canada, with the highest revenues across the board, from record production to music publishing to sound recording studios.

For further information

Research and Strategic Planning
Ontario Creates
175 Bloor Street East, South Tower, Suite 501
Toronto, ON M4W 3R8
Telephone: 416-314-6858
